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October 09, 2007

We've Moved!

Ack!  LTA's gotten popular - We've had to move to larger digs:

Please act accordingly.


October 05, 2007

The Plowhaus Artists Cooperative Fundraiser this Saturday

The Plowhaus Gallery, Nashville

I saw via the Interweb that the Plowhaus Artists' Collective is having a fund-raiser this Saturday at the Alley Cat Lounge and Tex-Mex Grill.

Excited as always Dear Listener to explore the aesthetic of whatever new town I'm in I sped over to the Plowhaus Gallery on East 17th to see what art was cooking and to speak to the locals about the scene here.

As per usual I didn't check the opening hours of the venue, so like my 'I Dream of Weenie' and 'Craft Fair' experiences I found myself outside of a locked building, alone.  I've really got to do better planning.

Turns out the Gallery is only open on the weekends.  But, they do have a sign on the door with names and numbers of people to call and open the place up if you really want to see the art inside; what a great idea!  Kinda like doctors on call.  Art doctors on call! 

Anyhew,  I didn't want to bother anyone so I didn't ring; just wandered around a bit.

Behind the Plowhaus Gallery, Nashville

The shot above is the gallery's back door; off an alley way on the side of the building.  I, like you I suspect, was intrigued by that drainage pipe sticking out of the chain-link fence.

Drain Behind the Plowhaus Gallery, Nashville

I especially like that 'goo'/sealant around the hinge.  Good stuff.

Well, not many adventures to be had that day at the gallery am afraid - I'll do my best to attend the fund-raiser; I don't know these Plowhaus folks but the idea of an Artists' Collective sounds interesting and God knows the world needs art now more than ever.  If you're in Nashville this Saturday why not go out and show your support?

The Plowhaus Artists Cooperative presents
A Fundraiser at the Alley Cat Lounge and Tex-Mex Grill

I leave you with the fellow below - spied on the Plowhaus' alley wall.  Have a good day everyone!

(Special thanks to Beth Seiters, whose blog 'Drawing the Void' alerted me to Saturday's activities).

Wall Behind the Plowhaus Gallery, Nashville


October 03, 2007

Letter to America - Chapter 77 - Chattanooga: The Athens of the South

LTA Chapter 77 Poster; Chattanooga: The Athens of the South Chris Hill Jett Loe Dragon Dreams Chattanooga

Coming Soon:  Letter to America - Chapter 77  - Chattanooga: The Athens of the South.

(Photo above of LTA Listener Chris Hill and Jett taken at Dragon Dreams, Chattanooga).

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October 02, 2007

Today's Miscellaneous Photos of Nashville


What trip to Nashville is complete my friends without photo taking of the famed Parthenon of the South?  Why it's no trip at all, that's what.  So to 'tick the box' on my stay here I present the photo above.  I know it's a bit kitschy...I blame the Craft Fair.

As to the photo below.  I wandered over to Elliston Place after visiting the Parthenon.  It was quiet.  That's what I noticed, the quiet...and also noticed that the building below seems to be a combo hospital and dry-cleaners. 




October 01, 2007

It's October My Friends, AKA Where to Buy a Pumpkin in Nashville

pumpkin pumpkins nashville tennessee daniel pierce halloween

There I was walking this very eve in the West End of Nashville, (aka 'WhiteyTown'), when I heard my Southern Lady Friend, whose hand I was gripping at the time, shout out: "Pumpkins!"

And in truth there were pumpkins.  In the back of some guy's car.  He sped off and we continued on.

A few minutes later a car pulled over, (no it wasn't an Italian guy trying to sell a Black Man leather coats:  ((strange aside:  every black guy I know in the U.K. has had at least once, if not many times, a car stop them while they were walking, and the driver, usually an Italian, tries to sell them leather jackets...why, why?  No one knows))), anyway a few minutes later a call pulls over and it's none other than the young man pictured above.

pumpkin pumpkins nashville tennessee daniel pierce halloween

Turns out he knows a guy who knows a guy - long story short the young man, Daniel Pierce, spent today harvesting the very pumpkins that filled both his back seat and boot.  Hearing my Southern Lady Friend's expression of delight over the famed Halloween Treat he had turned his car around and was now offering us a pumpkin for only Five US dollars. 

What's that you say.  Five US dollars?  That can't be.  For a quality pumpkin? 

Yes, only five dollars.  He picks them himself you see, so he's passing the savings on to you! 

pumpkin pumpkins nashville tennessee daniel pierce halloween

If you're in Nashville and in need of a Halloween pumpkin you could do a lot worse then give Danny a call; here's his Cell:


And his email:

[email protected]

He seems like a nice guy.  We had an ice-tea and chatted about Nashville, and being in the Biz I told him I thought he had a great voice.  And of course, this being Nashville, Danny's also a voice over artist!  He's got that 'In A World' voice - you can hear it here:

And of course on his myspace page:

OK, right, now off to carve the sucker.

pumpkin pumpkins nashville tennessee daniel pierce halloween jett loe



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