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September 20, 2005



Hey, appreciated the shoutout. Being your only fangirl has some fringe benefits it seems. I'd better enjoy the role while it's mine, huh? No, you don't need to make me a soundtrack, but thanks for the offer. Keep up the mad podcastin' -"R"


Hey Jett, Alicia -

Another American here... enjoyed the first three podcasts, I'll definitely be listening in the future.

Is it my imagination, or are the casts getting progressively gutsier? First you're expressing mild concern over a distasteful statue (Though I disagree that it's about thanksgiving or whatever - it's a statement about eating disorders. Someone needs to give that girl a sammich), then you're taking action about it, and on three you're sending your people out to battle zones? Can't wait to see what's next. Maybe you could interview some of Jett's exotic neighbours. I'd like to know what a typical Belfast prostitute ::cue soundtrack:: thinks of Miss Anorexia of the Nations.

Well, that went all over the place. Just wanted to say keep up the good podcasting. This is a great technology and I'm hoping it really takes off. The established media need not panic yet, but give it time - more perspectives being broadcast is a good thing.

- Jenny
(fangirl #2?)



I think the word "alleged" might be a part of that whole "guilty-until-proven-innocent" law and order thing that some countries still actually practice. I think.

I'm listening to "Steppin' Out" by Joe Jackson right now. It is fucking awesome, mate.

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