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« Thanks Everybody! | Main | Letter to America - Chapter 4 - Mono »

September 28, 2005



Hey LTA -

Enjoyed Chapter 4, keep it up! It's great to see you're putting so much time & care into these episodes - your small army of fans appreciates it.

According to a random article (, 44% more Brits are familiar with "happy slapping" than with podcasting. It seems you have your work cut out.

- Jenny
(I think I'd like a Northern Irish guy...)

Letter to America

Glad you like the latest chapter Jenny. The guy who's sorting out our iTunes issues is Northern Irish and pretty cute - I'll pass along your email address - maybe LTA can act as a dating service!


Great podcast once again and although Michelle seemed to be a wonderful lady I'm sorry but I'm going to have to decline since I imagine my wife wouldn't be to happy with me dating someone. :)

Irish accents are quite lovely though.


Sounds great - pass him my contact info and we'll see if he can handle my balshiness.

Wow. I think I just felt someone roll their eyes from 4000 miles away.

- Jenny


Awesome podcast once again. It was awesome hearing my name on the podcast, and yes I'm named after the movie "Shane". I'm not in the millitary however. I work two jobs and go to school full-time. I'm Irish on both sides of my family. I'm single hoping to find just the right Irish Lass. I can't come until June, becase of college. Oh, by the way I'm 33 with money. LOL... Anyway, thanks for a great podcast, and I hope to hear a new podcast real soon. Thanks...


My dog would really like to thank you for your podcast. When podcasting first appeared, they said you could download the shows to your ipod and listen later - I never thought I would do such a thing, but last night, I downloaded chapter 4 to my ipod to listen to while walking my dog. Normally she gets 15 minutes in this weather, but thanks to Letter to America keeping me entertained as I roamed the cold streets, she got 40 minutes! So keep em coming....I may catch pneumonia, but at least my dog will be happy :-)

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