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October 06, 2005



They definitely have a quality podcast... but I don't know, is this ( really effective marketing?

- Jenny

PS: It's be awesome if you could enable HTML in comments. To do this using TypePad, open the Weblogs tab, click the Edit Configuration link for LTA, then click the Preferences link, and then click to allow HTML in comments. I believe it only enables a few text formatting tags and links, so you won't have to worry about a bad script crashing your site. :)

Shane Davis

Allright, you guys rock in ITumes once again. I've been spreading the word to all my friends about your podcast. Atleast, those that are smart enought to know what a podcast is. Looking forward to the next chapter. Keep it up guys. I'm going to check out culture sluts. Of course, there nre not as cool as you guys right. LOL!

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