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October 19, 2005


"Shane" Davis

Chapter 6 was amazing, and I appreciate the plug. Miss X was a great fill in co-host. Thanks again... Keep it up guys...


We are listening with great interest.


haha, Echelon is down on you guys. Good podcast, keep it up.


Hey LTA -

Enjoyed Chapter 6. As people keep saying, you just continue getting better at this. Nice to meet the enticingly sexy Miss X as well!

Also (don't worry, this'll be shorter than a diatribe! ) I'd like to point out that I never said this Belfast City Council was a particularly good representation of its citizens. In fact, I deliberately left that option because I'm suspecting if Belfast is anything like most other cities, there are issues here. I was hoping you could shed some light on this because as you said, I don't know, I'm not in Belfast! Not trying to turn LTA into a political talk show, but I'm curious what Miss X was alluding to... the "false road?"

Thanks for bringing back Alex, the master of drunken metaphor. I hope you got his sober permission to air these... :)

- Jenny

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