Hey there Dear Listener - As you know we here at Letter to America have been becoming more and more interested at what seems to be a BAD SCULPTURE EXPLOSION in fair Belfast. Check this out:
OK, you might say - that doesn't look that bad - but check out where it's located.
Yep - right on the pavement in front a bar - the Mynt to be exact; which I understand is a perfectly fine Gay Bar here in town. Man, I just don't know - I believe in the healing, redemptive power of Art - but this shit is just bad...
As always I wonder if I am being too negative so I'd like to get a second opinion. Here's a map to the bar so you can easily check it out for yourself and see if I'm being just too critical or am spot on.
hi, yeah how completly off the wall is this ? i could take it down and make something beautiful, eye-opening in it's place... ill have to arrange a midnight adventure!!!he!!!
Posted by: lisa | November 06, 2005 at 07:47 PM
This should be a caption contest.
"I'm not getting any signal! WE'LL HAVE TO ADD MORE CHAIRS!!!"
Posted by: Jenny | November 07, 2005 at 01:11 PM
You're right Jenny - we're gonna make it the next caption competition! Plus, tune in for LTA Chapter 8 coming up Tonight when the winner of our First Caption Competition will be revealed...
Posted by: Jett Loe | November 07, 2005 at 01:43 PM
Announcer (Whispering): Jett Loe will now perform the triple Lindy...
Posted by: wayne | November 08, 2005 at 07:57 AM