Hi there Dear Listener -
Thank you for the kind words during my illness. For your illumination and delight I include some photo reproductions of my time inside Belfast City Hospital. Look closely at the Graphic for the Hospital in Photograph 2. Now notice how this compares to the Graphic that bears the Standard for Letter to America. Yep, that's right, Belfast City Hospital has been an underlying 'theme' throughout the first 8 Chapters of LTA, (now called Part 1 - Hospital). The reasons for this will be explained in Chapter 9 (I'm very pleased on how it all came together!)
The Porridge really wasn't all that bad. And check out the gnarly Cyborg Implant in my hand!
I never did discover what was in this soup.
Of course there are several entertaining and enlighting anecdotes I have to share from my Experience at B.C.E.; again all will be revealed in Chapter 9.
I Leave You with Books Read during my stay purchased at the friendly shop next to the Accident and Emergency Ward:
Glad you're better. Saw DD the other night and he was singing your praises (amongst other things). Check this out: the home-made flame thrower.
Posted by: Paolo | November 14, 2005 at 10:54 AM
Yeah Jett, thats cool with me. Boss watching, ahh I'm busted. Thanks for listening and sorry for my ramblings.
Posted by: Shane | November 14, 2005 at 12:03 PM
Ack, hospital food.:( Glad you're feeling better though.
Posted by: Melrone | November 14, 2005 at 06:10 PM