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December 14, 2005



"Have your war financed for only 3.2% (subject to credit approval)"


I was wondering where whe got her stats, now I know. I wonder what genius matched up war stats and car ads.


I was wondering where whe got her stats, now I know. I wonder what genius matched up war stats and car ads?

Jett Loe

Yeah - I was wondering where she got her stats as well - then I sat down for a cup of coffee and opened up the Independent - did she 'credit' them? (man you should call her on it! ;-)


Someone with an excellently subversive sense of irony is laying out that paper.


I blame some art student.


::Yesturday, she called my bluff on the whole "Tookie" situation, so I'll definetly pick at her for not giving credit. Also, sorry for the mispelling this afternoon, it was only 9:24a.m. here, and I hadn't had enough coffeine yet. :-)


I like my coffeine in caffee, personally.

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