Yes folks, Gay Marriage has arrived in Belfast - we're the first to do so in the whole of the U.K. Yeah Belfast! And of course Letter to America, your Irish, Northern Irish Podcast was there to cover the event. Well, we were supposed to but I overslept. But I did watch the report on Channel 4. Here's some pics I snapped off the TV.
Here's the happy couple, Shannon Sickles and Grainne Close, leaving their cab at City Hall, Belfast.
Here's somebody who does not approve. He does not look like a happy man. Surely two people who love each other can't be a bad thing?
Here are the happy couple strolling to the Registrar's office. Hey, wait a minute what's that black thing one of the gays is wearing on her back?
Hey, she's wired for sound! Those gays sure are media savvy. Must be part of their agenda to turn us all gay.
Here they are talking to the media before they get hitched. What's the look on their faces? It looks familiar. Oh, I know. It's LOVE.
Here's another Gay Couple tyin' the knot. I bet these guys throw great parties. They certainly look very stylish.
And here's the happy couple speeding away. I hope they have a great honeymoon. Everyone here at Letter to America wishes them the very best.
I think the protester in the photo is unhappy because he hates John Travolta, and that suit is only cause to remind him of his hatred. Plus, she shouldn't be wearing a white suit after labor day.
Posted by: Phil | December 19, 2005 at 04:27 PM
My god your right. I'm thinking he doesn't just hate John Travolta but maybe the whole film cannon of Saturday Night Fever director John Badham. That's crazy - who could hate such film masterworks as: Short Circut and Stakeout?
Posted by: Jett Loe | December 19, 2005 at 04:30 PM
Apparently, God. Who would've thought He wasn't an 80's fan?
Posted by: Jenny | December 19, 2005 at 04:38 PM
- Here's some pics I snapped off the TV.
I used to do that for the test cards for the UKI register SNG truck fleet - a rather pointless form of armchair colour bar trainspotting! :-/ Never really got the interlacing on the pictures though.
Posted by: KEV1N Ectoplasm | December 19, 2005 at 04:58 PM
I think you're right, Jett. Plus, I think that robot in Short Circuit was gay.
Posted by: Phil | December 20, 2005 at 08:59 AM
Johnny 5 was totally gay
Here in Indiana, Indianapolis City Council narrowly passed a measure protecting gay/bi/transgendered rights against discrimination. Already evey "family protection" religious group is calling for change and trying to get it overturned.
damn haters... love thy neighbor; unless they're a homo
Posted by: Jes | December 20, 2005 at 01:16 PM
Well, you have to draw the line somewhere...what next gay robots wanting to marry??
Posted by: Phil | December 20, 2005 at 04:28 PM