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December 24, 2005



get a life wankers! You gits are a bunch of infertile poor ugly dorks. Thank you for not procreating, let your bad genes end with you. Speaking the truth...Thx!

Jett Loe

And a Merry Christmas to you to Podder - obviously your comment is a cry for help - but don't worry, we here at LTA are here for you. Just email with your Skype name and we can talk - or if you like we'll do an interview for the show.

KEV1N Ectoplasm

"Has he got a nice 'present' for me? Come on Santa!"

So improvised by Anna - true pro. Highlight of all the shows. Eh, what were you actually doing during that call by the way Jettman?

Belatit Merry Christmit ti yersel, Podder an awbodie eelss - greetz frae clan Ectoplasm.

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