Yes Dear Listener, though we're not Christians here at Letter to America we still can't help but be affected by the celebration of the birth of the Prince of Peace, (if only more Christians subscribed to his teachings), anyhew, presented for your Seasonal Enjoyment it's Letter to America - the Christmas Special!
In which we make a most unusual call, meet Randolph and Tasmin, recover from Narnia Fever, discuss King Kong and the end of Cinema, compare the Clements Coffee photo policy to Starbucks', Shannon Sickles and Grainne Close get one of them Gay Marriages, Alastair Cooke is lamented and the whereabouts of his bones discussed, Jessie Ward gives you Fiddle-de-de Tips, an old friend makes an appearance and is likened to Sean Connery and Tilda Swinton's beauty is exalted.
All this and and more on your YES, WE KNOW IT'S OVERLONG BUT WE PROMISE IT WILL BE SHORTER NEXT TIME Irish Podcast. Or Northern Irish Podcast. Whatever.
get a life wankers! You gits are a bunch of infertile poor ugly dorks. Thank you for not procreating, let your bad genes end with you. Speaking the truth...Thx!
Posted by: podder | December 24, 2005 at 10:35 PM
And a Merry Christmas to you to Podder - obviously your comment is a cry for help - but don't worry, we here at LTA are here for you. Just email with your Skype name and we can talk - or if you like we'll do an interview for the show.
Posted by: Jett Loe | December 26, 2005 at 02:43 PM
"Has he got a nice 'present' for me? Come on Santa!"
So improvised by Anna - true pro. Highlight of all the shows. Eh, what were you actually doing during that call by the way Jettman?
Belatit Merry Christmit ti yersel, Podder an awbodie eelss - greetz frae clan Ectoplasm.
Posted by: KEV1N Ectoplasm | December 26, 2005 at 03:40 PM