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December 21, 2005


Paolo Murphy

I like your pictures (although these ones are a bit creepy/stalker/wacko-loner).


These photos are lovely. As a recent transplant to Ireland (who spends lots of weekends in Belfast), it's really cool to see Belfast on film.

btw, what's the title of yer blog mean? Letter to America? Just curious. Am an American livin' in Ireland writing lotsa letters to Yankville myself ;).

Jett Loe

Hey Diana - this blog is really just a 'behind the scenes' thing for my podcast - click on 'Podcasts' in the Category section on the upper-left-hand corner of the site - then listen to Chapter 10 - this will give you an idea of what it's about - cheers, jt.


Will there be a "Christmas Edition" podcast this weekend, or will you be taking a break?

Jett Loe

Oh yeah - recording the Christmas Special tomorrow - in it I READ THE BIBLE


Hey Jett, is that the girls from the Brothel you are always talking about. If it is, it must be one of those up-scale brothels. LOL... Serious though, they don't look like brothel women. :-) Looking forward to the next chapter.

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