On the train from Belfast to Bangor today I noticed a young man engrossed in this book. He didn't notice that the train was at his stop - he looked up, panicked and ran out, leaving his book behind. I took this photo. Though tempted, I did not go over to see what book he was reading. Thought it would be best to leave it to the imagination.
I'm wondering... did you try to alert the poor fellow that he had forgotten his book?
"thought it would be best to leave it to the imagination..." I think I saw something very similar to this when I was 12 and my class did a little newspaper and some of the girls submitted "arty" photos and musings. Gripping stuff.
Posted by: Sean | February 05, 2006 at 10:46 PM
wow - i've just checked your I.P. address Sean - you're Michael Heenan - and I've got one word for ya buddy: BUSTED...but you know, I am in touch with my inner-girl-child'...
Posted by: Jett Loe | February 06, 2006 at 12:17 AM