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« Letter to America - Chapter 20 | Main | Incredible Tree »

January 28, 2006



Any word on when this interview is gonna be aired? I'm looking forward to putting a face with the LTA Chpt.20 ranter.


erm...OK there ARE photos of this guy but you know what I mean...

Jett Loe

Hey there 'WOA' - probably next week some time - I'll let you know when I find out.

Jefferson Davis

Is the BBC going to allow you to host the video, so us Americans can watch it?

Jett Loe

i'll tape it off the TV put it on the server -

Jefferson Davis

That'll be cool. Have you found an alternative server to use? (cheap or free)

Jett Loe

No - I looked into Lipsyn - but they seem to be a 'Podcasting Solution' meaning I didn't see a way where I could just use my own FTP apps/Podcasting Application to publish to their severs - maybe there is a way I didn't look into it too closely - if you have suggestions that'd be great cause I really can't go another month like this - it's startin' to add up!


Have a look at which is still free with no download limits. Files over 20MB seem to require use of their uploader (Mac version available). Might be worth a look - and worth the effort to cut your spiralling costs.

Maybe if you limited your audience for a while - say "Letter to Sacramento" - it would to reduce your bills!

Jett Loe

thanks Alan for the suggestion - i'm gonna need to find a techie guy to help with this - re: finding an easy way to migrate subscribers to the new server, (long time listeners will know i was puttin' my hopes on 'genius boy' to help out but i know he's busy) - anyhew i'm gonna have to recruit somebody to help out with this -

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