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« Kerb Crawling Concern | Main | 20 Brothels »

January 16, 2006


Jefferson Davis

It sounds like a real problem to me. They need to change their legislation or get it under control...


Nice interview on the BBC news this morning Jett. However, you seemed slightly proud of the fact that you've been propositioned twice...



The lady immediately following let it be known that she, too, has been mistaken for a prostitute, not to be "one-upped" by Mr. Loe.


Awesome, the flickering nature of it gave it just the right touch of seediness.

P.S., don't know why but your thingy won't accept my URL as a valid address? Hmm.

Jett Loe

hi Carrie -
re: "P.S., don't know why but your thingy won't accept my URL as a valid address? Hmm."

not sure why you're having problems - feel free to email me with more details.

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