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February 11, 2006



"Psychic Gay Barber" would have made for an excellent FutureFear episode.

Jett Loe

You haven't seen Episode 6.


Hey Jett, I promise not to deafen you if you let me near your equipment again! I'm really *really* sorry about that! (Didn't realise you were wearing headphones at the time...)


Tips, local music ... LTA is getting dangerously close to fulfilling its remit. And all under 1 hour.

You could always run a poll to see if we can convince LTA's nemesis to co-host a show with you. (Maybe "nemesis" is a little strong - suggests meaning (3) = "An opponent that cannot be beaten or overcome".) The forced tension across Skype would make great listening.


I just happened to open iTunes at work, and noticed that many of the old episodes have been uploaded again, and are all a few minutes longer...what sort of revisionism has been going on?!

I also hear that LTA have been getting a lot of votes in the Irish Blog Awards...dare we schedule a post-awards celebration party? You *are* coming to Dublin for the monumental occasion, aren't you?

Jett Loe

Hey there Fixer - don't know why iTunes has varying times for the episodes - something I've noticed before - I would never 'go back' and revise old episodes! ;-)

Though I may have to go back at some point to 'bleep out' Miss X's name depending on factors beyond my control.

And yeah I'd love to come to Dublin for the Awards - but I don't know - there's no podcasting category so don't think I'll win anything though of course just it's an honour just to be nominated...


I have juice with the Irish Blog Awards (hence I know you're getting a load of votes). Maybe I'll ask if it's worth your time to make the trip...


ahhh, I didn't know how it all worked, but have been informed. the public voting is just to get the short list of nominees...then there are judges on the night to deliberate and offer the winner of each category their laurel and hardy handshakes.

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