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February 21, 2006


Jefferson Davis

Hang in there buddy.

Jesus Christ

Hmmm, looks to me like an unprepared week... c'mon Jett, what's going on?

Jett Loe

Just the opposite Mr. Christ - as Wayne will tell ya the problem I've got is that we have TOO MUCH material on Letter to America, (hence the Chapters that routinely go over an hour), rather than too little...

Jesus Christ

Okay, okay, maybe you allowed some segments to overrun. They became a bit cancerous. There were some others striving to get out that were deep and meaningful with mileage but they never made the cut.

This is obviously a period of deep introspection. It shall be respected.


Great Show Jet - A nice experiment and an interesting turn in your exploration of the medium... I can understand some people scratching their heads over this but I see it as an artistic expression - this is podcasting - there are no rules! Right on.


And you tried so hard to convince me you weren't a hippie.

Also, what's with this?! I side with Elmo - the Gervais podcast is great. Trying to topple competitors are we?

Do get better Jett. Rest up and don't practice that war-cry for awhile.


Haven't been abble to bring myself to listen to Gervais podcast. I've seen it... hovered the mouse over it and winced with pains in my fingers. No, I'll have to miss it. Refine thy schedule and return to the fore Jett!

Jett Loe

Word on the street is that the Gervais podcast is going to start charging cash money to listen...

Wayne Ordinary American

A couple of things:

1. I really enjoyed this.
2. I've discovered that if I stare intently at my work monitor with earbuds in people think I am too busy to be bothered.

You've given me the power of invisibility. For that I am eternally grateful.


It's true, and it's sad. Apparently Karl Pilkington, the bald guy you gave three stars, needs to eat. As for Ricky and Steve... no excuse.


Firstly, the Gervais podcast is utter tosh.

(The next batch of Gervais episodes start 28 Feb and will be charged at 95p/$1.95 an episode, or £3.75/$6.95 for the season of four through Paying for crap - isn't capitalism great!)

Secondly, I'm coming around to Jett's remake of Cage's 4'33" (four and a half minutes of silence). Maybe it's a last minute attempt to boost his chances in the Best Arts and Culture Blog category of the Irish Blog Awards?

Expect a massive photo essay to be uploaded soon focussing on local sculptures, theatre and film reviews, interviews with buskers and arts students, and other arty-facts.


Damn, Alan beat me to mentioning 4'33"

Y'know Jett, as I sat at work today listening to episode 23 I could hear the bustle of the office around me. The regional VP arguing with the lawyer, the HR coordinator telling applicants that an ability to read is in fact essential to be considered for a position, one of the ladies from the mail room taking my ruler to try and unjam the copier (luckily for her I was so zen and contemplative that I unjammed it with my mind without getting up -- thus saving both my ruler and the $20,000 copier).

As I set there contemplating the infinite I realised something, Jett. It's really all thanks to you that now I know, beyond all doubt...

That I really need a new fucking job.


Don't you have time to think is a brilliant book. It is better if you know a little about the life of Richard Feynman (Genius by James Gleick). But if you don't then it's still worth a read.


What do you *do* Maere? I have a tiny set of connections few and far between, but you never know...


Get well soon, Jett.

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