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February 14, 2006


Steven from Belfast

Loved the Belfast video diary from 24th Feb 2005! Just saw it on Google Video. Perfectly captures the essence of student life in Belfast.

Great job!

Jefferson Davis

I give you five stars for the timing of the music. Just as your mood went from light-hearted to dark, the music kicked in. Keep up the great work Jett...


If it's going to be a dark film, maybe you should try and talk a certain M Heenan into guest starring. He'd make it very sinister :)


I'm leaving all my thoughts over on the video blog entries. Hopefully my shameless faingirling is not it vain. :p

PS} Jefferson totally has a point about the music. You're shameless, Jett. Utterly shameless. And I mean that in the nicest possible way.

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