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March 28, 2006


Jimmy Porter

Spot on. No Alibis is cool as f***.

I love the way they don't try and ram their books down your throat like they do in some bookshops *cough* waterstones. Your man dave (although I always called him Damian, so he probably thinks I'm a crazy person), simply recomends stuff which he likes and some of its pretty cool.

And yes, the free cup of coffee and intelligent chat is always a bonus and worth while going in for.


Hey kids!

Due to technical reasons (mainly cos my laptop was created by the devil himself and is shite) I'm only getting to listen to your podcast now where you mention my blog and try to set me up with bless! Thanks so much, I think I might drop over to his site now and leave a message like a crazy stalker woman! And Jett, thanks for calling me "curvy" instead of blubber-like, that was very diplomatic of you!

Great show once again.


that top photo of Sean is gr8 - paints as many words as are in the books on the top shelf :-)

Jett Loe

Karen - glad to know ya liked the show. And don't be so down on yourself - you're a sexy woman and anybody who says different can go screw themselves.


Deepest and sincere apologies for calling your camera "dinky". The images are superb and it just goes to show that I know bog all about photography and should stick to peddling Shanghai detective fiction.
Your Pal

Thom Brown, III

In NYC, you have two types of book stores: The ones where you can sit with your faux-hipster friends and get Macchiatos from Starbucks while reading Harry Potter . . . and the cool ones. (Nothing against Potter . . . )

Thom Brown, III

See it to believe it kids . . . The Chronicles of Narnia Rap as performed on SNL.


I was in Randlestown for my Grandfathers funeral in January. I hadn't seen him for 25 years. I carried his coffin through the town and in the service the priest said he was a poet that every Irish man and woman knew. I didn't know who he was or what he had written. If your guy there is Ireland's greatest living poet, ask him if he knows the late Bobby McGuigan from Antrim.

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