Here's another photo taken during the vigil protesting the closure of the Ormeau Baths Gallery as documented here:
Ormeau Baths Gallery Shock - Part 1
Ormeau Baths Gallery Shock - Part 2
I like the look on the face of the young man holding the Arts Council sign - he looks kinda like a young Ewan McGregor.
I tried again today without success to contact the Communications Manager at the Arts Council, Grainne McCann, to arrange an interview with either the ACNI Chief Executive or Director to explain their side of the story.
We here at Letter to America will withhold judgement and refuse to take sides till we can research the chain of events more closely and speak to all the players involved.
Listen in to the Podcast this weekend to hear what the protesters had to say as well as, hopefully, what the Art Council's view is.
Update - 1:39pm: There will be a open meeting held by the former staff of the gallery regarding the closure this Saturday at 2pm, at the Belfast Exposed gallery. Directions to the gallery can be found HERE.
No sign of this week's chapter? It's already too late for the Sunday morning walk-with-the-pram!
Posted by: Alan | March 05, 2006 at 07:29 AM
Well you've got to let me know your schedule - you could always rip audio files from Aine's videos and listen to those.
P.S. The latest chapter is uploading now - but I imagine you're already in the park pushing the buggy.
Posted by: Jett Loe | March 05, 2006 at 07:52 AM