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March 12, 2006


Wayne Ordinary American

If nothing else, this proves that what you say on the podcast is true. I showed up un-shaven, in jeans, a baseball cap, and a denim shirt.

When will people learn? You NEVER lie!

Jett Loe

Yep - people think the show is made up. Oh, you guys didn't really get lost on the way to Dublin, that fight at George Best's funeral didn't happen, no girls were honking at ya, you have not really been married 3 times, when it comes to women you don't really 'prefer the chocolate to the vanilla', you don't really have a Walther P88 Compact 9mm handgun in your flat, you didn't do a whole show in a lift, etc. etc. etc. - perhaps we should start documenting all the shows with photos? And hopefully the people we met at the Blog Awards now realise the ENTIRE SHOW IS REAL.

Wayne Ordinary American

Yep. Maybe we DO need pics. We got SOOOOOO lost on the way to Dublin. My wife is still laughing... (And she knows me more than I know myself). She knows I'm not great with directions.

But those chicks were TOTALLY honking at you. TOTALLY!

Jett Loe

Oh man...well you know what I need to do Wayne - you're the only one who knows the 'mystery reason' behind my upcoming leave of absence from Belfast - perhaps after my enforced solitude I'll have a clearer perspective on women and my relations with them...

Wayne Ordinary American

I wish you only the breast... I mean, the best...!


Wayne has anyone ever told you that you bear a 'slight' resemblance to Rob Cordry?

Wayne Ordinary American

I take that as a compliment, Phil.

Really? Rob Cordy? NICE!!!


Dudes, I totally believe the getting lost thing. It's so easy. Some years ago, I went drove to a flat just off the Ormeau Road to collect a pal of mine after a semester in UU. I was driving a VW Golf van with FENIAN registration plates. His pal wanted a lift so, we loaded up and drove off. Two long haired guys and one shaven headed guy and a load of computer equipment. Inevitably, the road to Dublin somehow became the road to Enniskillen. How does that happen? I don't know. You just get swept off in that direction.

So we set off cross-country, two long haired guys, a shaven headed guy and a load of computer equipment in a FENIAN van with no idea where we were, right into the heart of rural Orangeland. It was just waiting for a tire to burst outside one of the many, many eerie, flag festooned lodges we past and for them to get all Deliverance on our asses.


I'm slightly locked, ergo the several violences done in my comment to good English. Oh God, the shame.

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