Yes, Dear Listener, as seen previously in this post:
Security Cameras in Belfast
my obsession with security cameras here in Belfast continues. This pic was taken the other day at Botanic Park in the Queens University 'Quarter' of Belfast.
Here's an interesting link:
Guide to CCTV Destruction
found in the comments section of this page:
Internationals Against Video Surveillance
If you are truly concerned about the loss of privacy those of us in the 'knowledge economy' seem to be suffering from I'm not sure that attacking CCTV Cams is the way to go. A lot of people feel the same way as Damon does, (see his comments in the Security Cameras in Belfast post). People feel safer with these things around.
As for myself - am more concerned about the digital traces and second-life we are creating online - I've put so much of myself on the Show for instance - the things I've said can never be put back into a bottle even if I take LTA off my server - they'll float around on people's PCs and iPods for years. Short of changing my name again and disappearing, (don't worry W.A.Y.N.E. - I'll warn you first), what can be done?
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