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April 21, 2006



It seems from the photos here and below that Belfast is very concerned about people stealing their rubble.

Jett Loe

You know, actually Belfast is 'on the move' - as Wayne will testify there are 'building-works' everywhere here. Many of the buildings featured in my short from last year for instance, have been bulldozed and replaced.

All that being said, yep there is a lot of rubble here.


I have seen the vast growth of KFC's across Belfast thanks to your excellent film.

Jefferson Davis

That is quite a coincidence, because April 15th was the 94th anniversary of the Titanic sinking.

Jett Loe

That's just what I'm talking about Phil - two of the KFC's seen in the film are now gone - in the short time that I've been here a bunch of new places have sprung up - there's a wide range of decent places to eat in Belfast, (listen to me - I sound like the N.I. Tourist Board!)

Alan in Belfast

And it's little wonder that the KFCs are disappearing - the number of health and safety allegations surrounding some of them would put you off eating in many of the Belfast franchises.

But it’s as if a sculpture is erected for each buildings that is pulled down. How did I become the LTA public sculpture aficionado (ahem, bore)?

I stumbled across (well, walked past) a few more, this time in Stormont Estate. Pictures at and

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