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April 09, 2006


Alan in Belfast

Thank goodness for Mr Northern Ireland ... Portglenone is pronounced "Port glen-own" (as in own goal). Locally the "g" is often silent too as in Port-len-own.


really, what do you have against Detroit? I'm a native.

Jett Loe

Out of respect for you Mr. Fixer it has been changed.


you're wising up. someday you might be a friend of mine. it's good to have friends, you know what I mean?

jimmy porter

I thought americans called sausage rolls, 'Pig in a blanket'?

If they don't, what's a pig in a blanket?


Yeah Jimmy, I used to think the same thing about pig's in a blanket.

For comparison:

My mom's version was made of sliced up hotdogs rolled into pre-made Pillsbury refridgi-dough. A true sausage roll is made of actual pork sausage and proper pastry dough. It's a whole different world.

(A 'Pig in a Blanket' over here would probably be literally a 'pig wrapped in a blanket'.)

jimmy porter

thank you for that.. now all i need to know now is what a fanny pack is and i'll be a happy man.

Also, how do I propose two new venues for your next podcast?


Might I say that Wayne is looking very hardcore with his Playaz Ballâ„¢ merchandise.

Jett Loe

Just email me at [email protected] Jimmy - all suggestions welcome.


how about the giants causeway, i hear the waves are spectacular at this time of year.

Ryan Rebensdorf

Is this the casting for whitey can't dance? 2 of America's Most Wanted!

Alan in Belfast

Hey - you and WOA should hold a real casting for "Whitey Can't Dance" by wandering down to Belfast Waterfront Hall - host again to week-long World Irish Dancing Championships. It started on Sunday, so you should find hundreds of girls willing to give you a preview of their dancing skills for the rest of the week.

Glad I'm off work this week, as it makes that corner of Belfast absolute chaos. The championships were held in Belfast two years ago, and the driving of the pushy mothers was unbelievable.


Guys that was a great podcast..I think I have been in Clement's coffee shop but have never been graced with waitresses adorning pearl'd never get style like that outside of No'ern Ireland.

I do have a problem with the photo though. It does look as if you have both grown up in a trailer (and have 3 teeth between you).

Glad you aren't going for the slick celebrity look..keep up the good work...Keith (Yorkshirem England)

Jett Loe

We don't call it a trailer, Keith. It's just HOME.


Keith - that is the look of a super dope homeboy from the Oak-town.




Great opening.

fanny pack=bum bag

Jett Loe

Yes...but what did you think about the ending?

jessie ward

hey i was just watching the trailer for the 9/11 film United 93 and was shocked to see that Wayne is in it!

Jett Loe

Holy Crap - you're right!

Alan in Belfast

Having watched the trailer, I've got the strong reaction that I don't want to see the film. Unusual, given the fact that I'll sit through nearly anything (see blog for details). But United 93 seems a little too close to real life, like I'd be watching something not meant to be seen? Creepy.

Jett Loe

Yeah - man's inhumanity to man is not pleasant.

Does the horror of watching re-enactments of Sept. 11 stem from the inescapable realisation that these men who killed thousands believed what they were doing was a correct, righteous, holy thing?

Robin Blandford


Found a classic for you.... here's you're Miiiiicheeealll Flaaaaaaatley wannabes!


Robin Blandford

Just trying a link to the Video again.

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