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« Irish Podcast Security Camera Mania | Main | Letter to America - Chapter 33 - Don't Lose The Fun Times »

April 27, 2006



Well, you see I now no longer need to worry about those intrusive security cameras 'cause I'll just put on my LTA hoodie and my shades. Then the minimum wages slaves will see my LTA hoodie, google it, listen to it and become enlightened. The world will be a better place.
ps. Jett, when mine arrives I'll send ya' a photo of me wearin' it at the Beer Pong Championships.

Brian, Fashionably Late


Valentine's Day is only ten short months away...that, or perhaps a celebrity will die that I can place "wayne, ordinary bear" at his or her makeshift memorial.


I ordered a mug, but decided to hold off on the bumper sticker until I got a caddy or fleetwood to mack it on.

Some Detroit love for ya:

Jett Loe I feel bad again for this whole 'Detroit' thing...any suggestions for another city Fixer?


Don't cave in to political-correctness, Jett.

Fact is, Detroit still remains one of the most dangerous cities in America.

Alan in Belfast

After WOB, the mug is the best - even for listeners in Belfast. Did you ever send off the T-shirt prize? :) Surprised it isn't available in cafepress too!

Jett Loe

Of course - I'll send a T-Shirt to Jes!


Detroit is obviously the Limerick of the US. I think Mayor Scully should get in touch with Motor City's aldermen and get some twinning action going on.


Just watched ur video 'Belfast City Essay No. 1' on google. I loved it!

Jett Loe

Thanks ctina - I gotta do more of those!

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