As keen observers of this Podcast website will have noticed I've become obsessed recently with the various lighting and security fixtures at the Belfast Waterfront.
Security Cameras are everywhere - our brains filter/tune them out - we do not consciously see them - what happens when they become networked and their feeds delivered to facial/body movement recognition systems?
Good Morning Mr. Orwell. We're so glad to have you here.
Posted by: Brianf | April 25, 2006 at 09:51 AM
Depends on who's face and who's body....Ms. X? Well, then sign me up for Big Brother TV.
Posted by: Phil | April 25, 2006 at 10:07 AM
I will disagree with you, Jett. I constantly look around for security cams, I don't tune them out.
I'm not paranoid but I do believe in freedom of speech/life. I know the 'authorities' mean well but they piss me off with their constant evesdropping.
The cameras against the pure blue sky are a complete juxtapostion of what they truly's not an innocent camera in the sky, they're tools to expose us.
Sorry to get serious, but security cams are a pet peeve of mine. I just want to live my life.
Posted by: WOA | April 25, 2006 at 02:26 PM
Cameras are there for your own protection - or to allow bored minimum wage slaves to spy on people having secret outdoor sex thinking no one's watching...
I think they're wonderful - but be careful what you do- you never know who's watching !
Posted by: Damon | April 25, 2006 at 04:11 PM
I agree w/ you, Damon. I think Wayne just wants to break the law, and is his only reason to gripe.
Posted by: Phil | April 25, 2006 at 04:20 PM
Dudes . . . Some businesses in NYC are approved to have cams in the bathrooms!
What's up with that?
Posted by: Thom Brown, III | April 26, 2006 at 11:32 AM