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« Belfast Marching Season 2006 - Part 8 | Main | Belfast Marching Season 2006 - Part 9 »

July 20, 2006



At last. I needed to score the hit, Jett. Damn.


I really enjoyed the "final thought". It actually helped me out after a fairly rough day/week/month.


The closing thoughts leave me wanting more... screw what's happening in NI, tell me more about the date.... and who's been screwing you over? You know your loyal fans are a quick Skype call away *wink wink*



You sir, are a GENIUS.


You, sir, are certifiably insane.


Excellent :)

Rob L, Glasgow

Argh! Cliffhangers in LTA now! Can't wait for the next episode.

And I hope things get easier for you soon.

- Rob in a very warm Glasgow

Alan in Belfast

Great episode - you chose a classy (expensive) joint for your date! (You sure the delay in uploading wasn't an attempt to defray the server bill from being in the same month as the bill from Deanes?)

How long do we wait for Part 2?

Jett Loe

Hopefully Part 2 of the Date will be uploaded this coming Sunday - we'll see - and thanks for the compliment.


Jett, finally listened to the show. Sounded like a good date, at least at the half way point.

Sure hope that all the lousy stuff going on has calmed down, after all, its all about the love.

All the best,

Dave (ordinary englishman?)

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