Oh, Soon I May Have To Leave, It's Letter to America - Chapter 44 - The Date - Part 2 - Sugar Never Tasted So Sweet.
In which Jett Loe falls for Dita, Deane's Deli is still noisy, Diplomatic Immunity Girl's got an Ace Up Her Sleeve and Wayne Ordinary American takes his Chaperone duties a bit too seriously.
All this and more on your "And Like That He Was Gone" Irish Podcast.
Posted by: Gawain | August 05, 2006 at 08:34 PM
For me, this chapter is like a fine wine. Consumed straightaway in one quick sitting I think I have missed some of the nuances. And to be frank, it wasn't until the last fifteen minutes that I got into it. I need to listen again, more slowly, over a few days.
Blogging and podcasting (still two separate things, but of the same sphere) are now really evolving. We've got over the "wow I can speak to the world" stage, passed the "this is what I have to say to the world" stage, and are now tentatively feeling our way through the "now that I've said what I had to say, I don't know whether that's what I meant to say" stage. All three of you revealed some indication of doubt or weakness here this week, but that was the most interesting part.
I realised listening to this show that I've been blogging through a few channels for a year now. And in that year, like LTA, I've changed my voice, and been made to question my direction... both reading what I've written and listening to what my friends have to say about it in comparison to who they really know me for. Why do I write like this? Who am I writing for: an audience or for my own ego...?
LTA is definitely changing, and yes, maybe one day it will end. But this was great fun to listen to. The more I see between the "daddy needs some sugar" and "are you doing material" lines, the more I enjoy. This is blog/pod-casting at it's best.
PS... does that little ramble earn me a place on that tasty little Argos couch? 27-29 October, Jett, just to give you a heads up buddy :)
Posted by: James | August 07, 2006 at 08:06 AM
There are lots of 'hidden' and subtle nuances to LTA, James, that can only be understood over time.
I like your analogy of wine, but I like to think of LTA as more of a fine whiskey. Collectively it must sit in a barrel for 7 years before it can be released to the masses (approximately the amount of time we waited for ch. 44).
Posted by: Phil | August 07, 2006 at 04:26 PM
Fuck's sake, this always happens... I ask someone if I can come and stay and then they turn out all the lights, avoid answering the phone and hide behind the sofa. Jeez...
Posted by: James | August 08, 2006 at 03:40 PM
Did you notice in the last episode there are censored out high-pitched tones at seemingly random times? At first I thought these were just blipping out diplomatic immunity girl's voice, but now I'm thinking their placement must be deliberate. I'm going to go through and write down what I find. I don't have time to go through other episodes, though - have these beeps always been there? If so, we can divide up the work. Perhaps the beeps occur before or after an important word, or during certain timestamps, etc. I know there was some sort of plot going on earlier with that guy who was killed saying to look at certain timestamps. I didn't have time to investigate that one - anyone have ideas?
Posted by: Jenny | August 08, 2006 at 05:22 PM