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« Keith Olbermann on the right of Habeas Corpus | Main | Belfast Festival - Part 2 »

October 20, 2006



I'd severely recommend attending at least one of the many musical events occurring in SARC - if you've yet to experience the facility, now is really the time with so many great things on.


It looks scary from the photo.

Jett Loe

I found the walk haunted - and mysterious.


Absolutely beautiful.

Jett Loe

Thanks Jama.


Great photo....I assume this is something equivalent to our State Fair?

Jett Loe

Thanks for the comment on the photo Kyran.

Not really a State Fair - more of a cultural exercise - flooding the city for a couple o' weeks with singers, comedians, artists, etc.

There's been a lot of good acts here and am disappointed that I've been too busy to see many of them.

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