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October 16, 2006



Yeh, but where are the pictures? I'm not seeing any pictures...........

heh, things make a bit more sense now :)



I think I can guess why Channel 4 pulled out. ;)

Jett Loe

Yeah...I forgot I told ya James when you came by about that first C4 mail asking why they couldn't get the pictures to work on the podcast - it went downhill from there - ah well - one must keep going! And yeah Jenny - it's obvious isn't it??

Alan in Belfast

Like an audio recording of an old Doctor Who episode when the video has been lost, you could put some simple animation to your audio feed.

Or even film a couple of women from a few angles posing on the sheep in front of the Waterfront Hall, talking randomly for 10 minutes. Then splice the shots together - Channel 4 sea-sick-style, lots of black and white, deliberate blurring - and overlay the audio. At iTunes-sized video resolutions,
you might get away with it!

Jett Loe've got something there Alan. Maybe we could turn LTA into a cheapo vidcast...

Wayne Ordinary American

Cheapo vidcast???? Surely you jest!

Jett Loe

Let's work on it this weekend Wayne - we'll try to make it look as crappy as possible.


Ah, a PowerBook and a Moleskine? You're very classy dude.

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