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November 13, 2006



Dear LTA Podcasters,
You are definantly the people I want to sit next to on a train. I assume you would understand what I meant if I said, "those people (not you) need to stop drinking the koolaid" and therefore you are now my new obsession. You make me miss the days when I ran away to England to become Shirely Valentine. You have started me on a new road to find my passion (thanks Wayne). Jett you are the type of man I always thought I would marry and didn't, so I consider it wonderful that I can listen to you anyway and know that I just should have been looking in Belfast. Thanks for making life less mundane. Appreciate you!
If you are ever in Cajun Country, give a shout, you can sleep at my house. Wayne, feel free to bring your wife along.


Hey Keri, just a suggestion - I'm not sure you're taking this Jett thing seriously enough. I mean, you could listen to him on LTA, but wouldn't it be more proactive to find his home and videotape him getting dressed in the morning? Just sayin...

Jett Loe

Thanks for the lovely comments Keri. Glad you enjoy the show so much! Don't worry about nasty Jenny's comments, she's probably just pissed about the U.S. Election results.


Yeah, Jett's right, I'm a terrible person. Sorry Keri, no hard feelings I hope.

Actually, I'm fairly happy with the election results so far, Jett. Don't know who you've been talking to...

Jett Loe

Didn't you vote for Bush?


Yeah, but only because I hated him less.

Jett Loe



Don't worry, Jenny. I know exactly how you feel about voting for the person you hated less.

And Keri- that last time I was in Cajun Country was New Orleans 1991. I seem to remember the steamed craw-dads were the best I've ever had and the beer was expensive. (After that I don't remember much.)


What are you saying? Did you fall asleep in the arms of Boston Terrier dog breeders? Those are indeed unusual circumstances. Jenny and Wayne, I am so dissapointed in both of you.

Alan in Belfast (well, SF)

The nice people in San Francisco are all quite excited about the result! Democrat-cy rules ok.

Jett Loe

Hope you're having a good time Alan - and Jama, I too am disappointed.


Bah! Maybe instead of a spinoff, Wayne and I should begin an enemy podcast.

Oh also, I live in London now, so if anyone's around I can put you up.

Jett Loe

Yes, I think you should start an 'enemy' podcast....'Jenny and Wayne!'...why not?

Wayne Ordinary American

It's now Sunday, Jett. *Ahem* Where's the podcast, already?


Shhh.... Maybe he's still sleeping.

Jett Loe

It's the Lord's day. I gotta rest. It'll be up tomorrow.

Alan in Belfast

Patience is a virtue ... but I got out to the US and back to Belfast faster than this podcast got uploaded!


The Lord's day... oh man. I can't stop laughing. :)


Miss Parrish cannot be a true Georgian if she's voting for the democratic ticket.

"Sonny did!!"

Jett Loe

Hmmm. I'll have to run that by Ms. Parish. Extreme times call for extreme measures.


"Lesbians and Feminists are attacking everything sacred!" Eesh... those ads are incredible. I'm glad my home state of Pennsylvania is now Santorum-free.

Well, Rick Santorum-free anyway.


I'm really sorry to see that our long term senator, a guy who could have done so much for our state, is gone. The final death blow was the re-election of Commimdant Rendell. Not only did the Scranton Mob win but the Philly Mob won again too!!! Now for another four years we have the PA version of the Nazi party running our state without any concern of being voted out.
Seig Heil Rendell!!!
Uber Alles Fuherer Rendell !!

humbly submitted by a subject of, as opposed to a citizen of, the peoples rebublic of pennsylvania

name withheld for fear of kristalnacht


Ooo, I finally have a reason to comment. Phil, I would never dare call myself a true Georgian. When the choices in Georgia for governor are between someone named sonny and someone who's slogan was 'put the big man in' it's enough to make me want to move to Pennsylvania.

Jett Loe

Hmmm...all this is makin' me miss the States. Tune in this Christmas for the Letter to America 'Returning to the Homeland' Holiday Special...


Yo Jett,
Unfortunatly I'm about an hour 45 minutes from that bastion of american communism called Swarthmore. I use to live right next door to it but it smelled funny to me so I moved.
Anyways if need be you are welcome to.....sleep on my couch.....or better yet use the guest bedroom on your venture through the U.S. of A. in this upcoming adventure of yours. Hey, the offers there as it is for any intrepid wanderer who happens to listen to LTA.
BTW. I have been a registered Demon-crat for the past 30 years and I have voted in EVERY election since 1976.
Carter, McGovern,Reagan,Bush,Dole,Bush,Bush

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