Well, I'm not starting anything here - merely trying to find out more about the folks who labelled Letter to America 'Lib'; as seen in this post:
So I started reading Chronwatch - but I didn't get very far because the first paragraph of their latest post reads thusly (italics mine):
"The pure lunacy of the Iraq debate is only understood when one arrives at the understanding that the collective we in the West are not really a part of this mislabeled “War”. The war is being fought between many tribes of Islam that fall into the major categories of “Sunni” and “Shia” whose differences are equivalent to the differences between the Methodists and the Baptists; totally and utterly insignificantly absurd except to a culture that is repressive and barbaric and living in a savage pre-enlightenment era."
Hey, Chronwatch. Guess where Letter to America lives?
Northern Ireland.
Yes, that's right, Northern Ireland. Ever hear of something called The Troubles? You know how many people died here because of a conflict between two different sects of Christianity?
As many as died during September 11th.
Guess that means we're 'repressive and barbaric and living in a savage pre-enlightment era' over here huh?
Or, maybe, just maybe - and call me kinda kooky here for suggesting it - it's HUMAN FRIGGIN' NATURE - and we gotta find a way to deal with it - CAUSE WE'RE ALL IN IT TOGETHER.
Man...some people.
Much like your theory on Ian Paisley, I think these guys are just harmless performance artists. They are really just good liberal folk acting out fear plays; there is a lot of catharsis in these film clips.
Posted by: Whisky Nose | December 04, 2006 at 01:15 PM
You might be right Whisky Nose.
In all things I'd like to think the answer could lay in Performance Art. And if they need catharsis or release - why not try this? (make sure to press the Play button at the top of the site).
Posted by: Jett Loe | December 04, 2006 at 01:31 PM
"...culture that is repressive and barbaric and living in a savage pre-enlightenment era"
Two words for you:
Abu Ghraib
This is a terribly, shamefully ignorant statement they've made. Blame them. That's what we do. Blame the ignorant savages for the situation that they find themselves in. Not the Americans. Let me ask this. Who dropped the bombs in 2003? Who put the weapons into their hands? When do take some freaking responsibility? When do we admit that we were wrong for going into Iraq?
The pure lunacy of the Iraq debate is only understood when one arrives at the understanding that the collective we in the West are utterly responsible for this “War”.
Posted by: Jama | December 04, 2006 at 07:01 PM
Actually now I feel bad about getting so worried about 'ChronWatch'. They don't quite have their act together. Check out some of the Ads that appear on their site courtesy of Google Ads:
Find Single Muslims Looking for Love in Your Area!
Your Muslim Mortgage
and of course the classic
Why Islam?
Posted by: Jett Loe | December 05, 2006 at 05:53 AM
Wow - I bet they get really screwed by the 30 yr muslim mortgages.
Posted by: Phil | December 05, 2006 at 03:22 PM