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January 16, 2007




Aorund Par

Oh, Damn! Well, I'm glad I noticed it and brought it to attention, but that's too bad that it's just gone now. I never even got the chance to visit that site, but at least she's still on Youtube and Google Video and stuff like that


Well doesn't that just SUCK...... alot!!!
My Fathers family is from county Sligo and I have used Anie's site to research that. This sucks alot! Did I say that already? Anie, I wish you the best in everything you do but I for one shall miss The SligoZone!!!
The Interwebs are a bit less today.
sniff sniff!

Aorund Par

Never fear, Aorund Par is here, and guess what I found...*/

PHOOMP! I hope Aine doesn't mind...

The Tennessee Troubador

Alas! Such a loss of such a lass,
Even across the pond there are many who will miss the lift that a visit to Sligozone would add to an otherwise gloomy day! Aine was, and will remain, a unique and wonderful ambassador for everything good about the Emerald Isle. I, for one, will continue to hope that this retreat from the public eye is only a temporal rest for such a beautiful and charming eyeful!


One of the main reasons I plan a trip to Ireland this summer was Thanks for all the beautiful photos of the scenery, and a cheeky irish lass.

Ten years is an eternity to keep a website updated. My hats off to her. Good Luck!

I miss your site. Thanks for getting me to finally take a trip.

Jett Loe

Yep - she's missed by all. And 10 years! Somebody should give her a certificate or something.

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