While trying to find an online copy of my last arrest report for this post:
I came across this story featured on the United States Drug Enforcement Agency website:
Ahh, very clever to disguise yourself as a DEA Agent. Quoting from the story:
"DEA Special Agent in Charge Gilbride stated, “The DEA Badge this individual was carrying was fake, but the charges he faces for robbing homes, stealing drugs and terrorizing the community are real. Impersonating a federal agent is a serious crime and will not be tolerated."
But where would you get authentic looking gear to pass yourself as a member of one of America's finest? Well, why not try the DEA Online Store accessible from the above website? After all, they're having a Winter Sale!
Please continue your search. I'm certain the municipality you were arrested in would gladly fax you a copy upon request.
We must know what Grizzly Adams did to get arrested!
Posted by: Phil | February 15, 2007 at 08:00 PM
Possession with intent.
Posted by: Jett Loe | February 19, 2007 at 06:29 AM
Possession of recording equipment with intent to Podcast?
About ten years ago I said to a guy I worked with that I would stop by later that evening to watch a football game and that I would bring a six of beer with me. We all left work at 5pm. I knocked on his door a bit before 8pm and when the door opened a very large arm extended out and the guy attached to it picked me up off the ground and hauled me inside. The guy I worked with was in the middle of getting busted for possession with intent. That was a long, weird evening.
Posted by: Brianf | February 19, 2007 at 10:15 AM