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« Letter to America - The Irish Podcast - Chapter 57 - The Irish Podcasts Special | Main | DEA Online Store »

February 15, 2007



hey jett, your leaving the plaza! where next?

Jett Loe'll have to tune in to this weekend's Podcast to find out my friend.


Are you leaving Belfast then, or just trading up in the city ?


A most fitting mugshot for the worldcriminal we all know and er ... know.

Good luck on the move, and good luck on the blog awards.


eek!!! i'm skeered!!!

looks like some of those hard blokes i saw going into "the tavern"

Aorund Par

Hmm... I must say that beard doesn't look good on you. The picture reminds my of me when I go too long without shaving my face, not good times, you see...

Jett Loe

I think it's the 'death stare' that really makes the photo.


I can easily imagine one or both hands is holding an axe.

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