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February 22, 2007



Dawkins gave a talk at the Queen's Festival in Belfast a few years ago. He's not too impressed by men of the cloth. One thing he said that stuck in my head was the fact that while most folk have to work bloody hard to gain respect in their field, clergymen simply don some religious garb, spend a few years in the seminary and automatically everybody gives them a huge degree of respect. This is even though they are people who have very limited life experience and are therefore ill-prepared to make balanced judgements on virtually anything...

Some tenuous N. Ireland related Dawkins trivia: his wife is a lady called Lalla Ward who, as well as being Doctor Who's sidekick in the 1970's, is also from the aristocratic Ward family who built and resided at Castle Ward for on the shores of Strangford Lough in our very own County Down. It's now a National Trust property and well worth a visit...!


Not bad.

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