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March 12, 2007



They're making it higher?

Kong must be coming!

Aorund Par

Come on, they don't need to make the wall any higher than what they're already building on top of. That already looks high enough.


They still have some height left in reserve: those little scissor lift cranes can reach a whole lot higher than that.

Remember that in Berlin it was the people who broke down the wall. In Belfast it's the people who demand it gets built higher.


Aorund Par

I suppose the fact that it's some kind of metal they're using makes it sturdy enough to stay up without a problem, but I'm just afraid that if some huge storm happened, winds would blow parts of the wall down and people might get crushed under it, but that's just my personal opinion. I guess I just don't like walls... despite what seems like an obvious need for them.


And the client didn't like it....


Look, Ma, no hands *waves*


couldnt make it high enough really,


they must have heard jetts about

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