We don't feature much Northern Ireland originated indigenous comedy on the Podcast. Usually I find it doesn't 'travel' well - you'd have to be a local to get most of it - the work of Keith Law is often an exception.
We here at LTA are blessed of course to benefit from Keith's skill in the world of Jingles; he's created the 'Wayne Ordinary American Theme', 'Yes, But What Does a Muslim Think', and of course the immortal 'Shafted'. But Keith does much more than just Jingles - have a listen to his new Jon Joe Sat Nav service:
Ha! That's been making the email rounds - I've had it forwarded a few times as just sound. Didn't know that was Keith Law, very good!
Posted by: Healy | March 22, 2007 at 09:32 AM
Keith is the man to go to for snappy audio pieces - I heard from a 'big guy' in the media that the 'Jon Joe'piece has been making the rounds on the set of the new Oliver Stone movie and cracking everybody up! :)
Posted by: Jett Loe | March 22, 2007 at 07:31 PM