Via Digg was spotted this beautifully animated flash movie. Nothing like getting people riled up. While some of the narration tends towards hyperbole the general thrust of the message is correct.
Of course after watching it the question becomes 'What can one do'? I like this comment from Protean in the Digg post, (one of the few Digg users who's above 8 years old?):
'Know a few friends you can trust to watch your back.
Take up a martial art. Start going to the range.
Sell your TV. Upgrade your PC.
Join a neighborhood watch
(or a militia if you can find one).
Make a radio jammer.
Build a HERF.
Don't network.
Stay in small groups.
Read the Constitution,
the Declaration of Independence
And the Bill of Rights.
That's all the networking you need.
Read more books.
Develop a moral code.
Raise good kids.
And instead of shopping, drinking or smoking
your way to satisfaction, get out and hike, fish,
bike, watch the stars, go to honky-tonk bars,
blues clubs, bonfires and anywhere you can
actually engage yourself with great people.'