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April 30, 2007

New Belfast Blog

Here's my new favourite blog out of Belfast:

The blogger, Roy Burns, describes himself on his profile page as:

"An artist who dosen't smoke dope nor hug trees" and he has some interesting photos of Belfast on his Flickr page which are worth check out.   You can find them here:

Ironbed's Photos


April 29, 2007

More Joost Invites to Give Away

Joost invites to give away

Yep, 5 more Joost Invites to give away - let me know if you want one!


Photos of Manchester 1

Goth outside Urbis, Manchester
Young man outside of Urbis, Manchester.


Film Talk 10 - The Pursuit of Happyness and Idiocracy

A new episode of Film Talk is up in which myself and Dr. Gareth Higgins have a most insightful look at the Will Smith vehicle The Pursuit of Happyness and Idiocracy is enjoyed by all.

Film Talk 10 - The Pursuit of Happyness and Idiocracy


April 25, 2007

Manchester and Leeds

No posts for the next few days - off to Manchester and Leeds on an exciting project that unfortunately I can't talk about at this time, (let's call it PROJECT X).  Hopefully I'll be able to blog about it in the near future.


April 24, 2007

The Iraq War and the Virginia Tech Massacre

I don't often read the online magazine Salon as I find its tone a bit smug in a Guardian kind of way, but I recommend this essay by Gary Kamiya:

A Tale of Two Horrors

The essay is obvious and broad but maybe that's what's required these days to wake people up to the reality of what the U.S. Federal Government has wrought.


April 23, 2007

Community Arts Forum Rally to Launch Campaign for Increased Arts Funding in Northern Ireland

Woman seen through a window at the Community Arts Forum, Belfast, Northern Ireland

Just received a press release from those fine folks at the Community Art Forum.  It turns out the level of funding for the Arts in Northern Ireland is the lowest in all of the United Kingdom and Ireland.  To raise awareness of this and agitate for increased funding the CAF is holding a rally this Wednesday at 10:30am, Writer's Square in Belfast.   Long time listeners to the Show know that I believe passionately in the power of Art to do good - if you're in Belfast this Wednesday why not make the time to come down?

For more information go to:

or call:


(Photograph above:  Woman seen through a window at the CAF)

(Original Press Release from the CAF is below)

RALLY to LAUNCH - the campaign for increased arts funding

10.30am - 11.30am Wed 25 April

Writer’s Square, Belfast (opposite St Anne’s Cathedral)
Community Arts Forum if inclement
Every voice is vital

Be there- act now!

In December an open meeting of artists and arts organisations agreed to campaign for increased
government arts funding. The meeting appointed a Steering Group to devise plans to get the attention of the arts Minister and local politicians in time to influence the Comprehensive Spending Review.

Invest in Inspiration is the result. We hope you will throw your weight behind it. This is our one big chance to work together to make a difference.

The call is for an arts budget of £10 per person per year. This would bring Northern Ireland closer to the level of expenditure in GB and the Republic and is in line with the figures behind the Arts Council’s Five Year Plan.

The Rally to launch the campaign is vital to show the extent and strength of feeling behind the call. Following this everyone is being asked to contact the arts Minister by emailing direct from the campaign website, and by signing campaign postcards available from arts venues from May.

• Get your friends, audiences and participants to sign and return postcards to arts venues

• Go to the website and send the campaign email to the arts Minister and MLA’s
• Send info and a link to everyone you can and put it on your own website and email signature

• Get together with other local arts groups / artists to run a media event to grab local paper coverage, showing what your work contributes and what more you could do with proper investment.

See for more or call one of the Steering Group via 07764182966

At just £6.13 per person a year, government arts spending in
Northern Ireland is the lowest in the UK & Ireland. (av. £10)


April 20, 2007

Letter to America - Chapter 63 - Blue Peter and an Act of God

Image for Chapter 63 of Letter to America, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Wow, Now With Moving Pictures it's Letter to America - Chapter 63 -  Blue Peter and an Act of God!

In which Jett learns to cook, Wee Adam trusts no one, Wayne Van Ry complains about his Pay Packet and the Englishman has a powerful hunger.

All this and more on your "Wasn't Audio Enough?" Podcast.

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April 19, 2007

Stroke City 3

Derry / Londonderry, Northern Ireland

Stuck again in Derry / Londonderry.

Stroke City

Stroke City 2

Northern Ireland Loafing



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