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April 11, 2007



Whooooah, there!

That's not the face I expected to be staring at me when I downloaded the page! I suppose a single picture can lead to many questions...

I was in the Siberian capital Novosibirsk, in a Russian restaurant called Zili-Bili. If I remember, I had the Zili-Bili spicy sausage and a huge plate of Russian salad.

I'm almost certainly not downing that beer in one. I think it was Sibirskaya Korona beer - the local grog (very crisp). Downing beers is not how I woo the Mrs.

While the restaurant was otherwise very hospitable and cosy, those are nylon flowers. I think I'm peering out of the window at the Soviet-style apartment blocks across the street.

Great show last week guys. I also downloaded the Diplomatic Immunity Girl datecast. Hadn't heard that one before - Brilliant. Newer listeners should dig that one out.

Take care all - Aaron

Jett Loe

Whoa - Mrs. Tyger is very easy on the eyes. Sorry to scare you with posting you pic so large and all on the site.


No it's cool. I'm egotistical enough to appreciate it.

Yes, thanks, Mrs. tyger is quite the dish.

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