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May 29, 2007



The Playaz, of course, fully endorse this museum.

Someday I will make the pilgrimage there, but haven't the time now, unfortunately.

Jett Loe

One has to make the time, oh well. I really want to visit - what a great podcast it'd make!

OK - that's it - I'm going!


Consulting the Frappr Map, Bennie Giles in Clarksville, Tennessee seems to be the closest "registered" listener of LTA to the Creation Museum.

I am counting on him until you figure a way to get to the States yourself.


What impact would the money they wasted on that have had in Darfur?

Jett Loe

'Christian Aid' is having an appeal:

Questions and answers on the Darfur emergency appeal

Click here to donate

I think 'Cybez''s comment hints at a lot of European's fears about U.S. Christianity - to us over here, living in the U.K., the Fundamentalist Christians are so 'out there' they don't seem like Christians at all.

Obviously not being a person of faith I tread in areas unknown to me here - but it seems like a lot of these U.S. Christian groups, (at least the ones we hear about - the ones with that great drive towards publicity), ignore completely Christ's revolutionary message - which if preached today, (and again sorry for my lack of in-depth knowledge here), would brand him a socialist, if not an out and out anarchist.


I think Jesus was considered an anarchist even back in His day.


Jett, if I had such an incisive and respected podcast as yours, I'd have no hesitation spending the £££ flying out to Kentucky to record a podcast. And if you could take Wayne too, that'd be just great.

With love,

your loyal (and demanding) listeners

Jett Loe

Well, I'm trying to get the hookup to go Belfast 'Sister City' Nashville - how far away is Nashville from the Museum O' Crazy??


Good news, Jett.

The Creation Museum is a mere 4 1/2 hour drive from Nashville, TN (3 hrs if you drive 90 mph to it).

The Creation Museum is "within a day's drive of almost 2/3 the U.S. population" - located in Petersburg, Kentucky (actually in the Greater Cincinnatti area), based on one being willing to drive 650 miles to learn about how Moses fought with the dinosaurs.


10 hours and 1 minute from my doorstep. It's a bit too far. Not sure if that's fortunate or unfortunate but I am leaning toward fortunate. If you really want crazy, come to Topeka. I am sure Pastor Phelps would be happy to set you straight on all spiritual matters.

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