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September 17, 2007


Alan in Belfast

Classic LTA post. Glad life is well in dizzy Nashville.

Any truth to the rumour that you're considering starting a new UGC/web2.0 site called


glad to see you took the advice about the blue Jett - you look peachy.

Jett Loe


+ Yes, thanks for the advice Cageyk - the use of dark colours plus time in the sun helps a wee bit.

Emotional Mullet

I am bummed you didn't get a dog on Sunday...but you got to hoop! Nice form.

If you ever visit The Alley Cat (also in 5 Points) on a Friday or Saturday night, you may find happily drunk hoopsters...mostly girls...hooping the night away...

Jett Loe

Thanks for the tip Emotional Mullet. Am excited to explore Nashville to the fullest, (and other areas of the South as well...recorded a podcast with a listener in Chattanooga last Friday - hope to upload it soon).

Emotional Mullet

(Can I call you "Jett"? Are we there yet?)

Trying desperately to subscribe and listen. WhinoRhino tells me that I will love it. Am about to conference call Bill Gates and Dell to discuss Windows Vista...hope to listen soon...

I am also a transplant to The South. Been here 5 years. It doesn't look like you need help, but let me know if you need additional hotspot know where I am.

Jett Loe

iTunes not work in Vista yet? You can always put the RSS Feed in your Reader of choice.

Plus, yes I look forward to as many 'hotspot' tips as ya got Emotional Mullet! :)

sunny of

Jett- thank you so much for featuring my sweet little neighborhood, my hoops and two of my all time favorite people & places... Mag of Art & Invention and Alisa of I Dream of Weenie!

Jett Loe

No probs Sunny...I hear there's more 'hooping' this Saturday...will try to make it there!

Five Points Muse

My dear, You came to the best neighborhood in all of Nashvegas! I'm so glad you captured the feel... and had fun! You simply must come back to get a weenie dream dog!

Jett Loe

Oh, I'm gettin' a dog. There's no question about that...I mean, the place is called "I Dream of Weenie!"

Becky dos Equis

Allow me to recommend some kick ass homemade ice cream right around the corner in Five Points...the Pied Piper Creamery will blow your socks off. yum.

Jett Loe

Lord...I've already put on a stone since I've been here...but ok, if you insist I will go to the Pied Piper Creamery :)

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