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September 09, 2007



My father was once banished from the Southeastern World's Fair because he had mastered one of the carney games whereby you flip a softball into a sideways-tilted basket, and was winning more than he was spending.


I'm just reading Bill Bryson's latest book (an autobiography of his childhood in Des Moines) in which he recounts how in the mid sixties the Iowa State Fair had a Strippers Tent! Presumably nothing like that in Tennessee?

Jett Loe

Hi Tim - I have not seen a 'Strippers Tent' at the TSF. Am planning to go in the evening to photograph the Fairground Attractions all lit up so will have a look for you.


were there any pig races?

Jett Loe

Were there pig races? My friend - the pigs not only raced...they dived off a 90 foot platform!

Now that's entertainment!

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