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Behind the Scenes...

October 09, 2007

We've Moved!

Ack!  LTA's gotten popular - We've had to move to larger digs:

Please act accordingly.


September 05, 2007

Nashville - LTA Goldmine; AKA Jason Childers Saves a Life

Thanks to everybody who commented on this post:

Goodbye Belfast

I am so touched by the heartfelt messages from people.  It really means a lot to me.  I've also received some lovely emails from folks - and there's some concern re:  the end of the Belfast LTA era. 

Don't worry folks!  Wayne will be doing regular reports from Northern Ireland on the Podcast and I plan on visiting Belfast at least once a year from here on out; just like I said in this Video - once you've had the smell of Belfast on you, you can't get it out. 

Anyhew, I'm now in Belfast's sister city: Nashville.  Don't know what I'm going to do here.  Don't know how long I'm going to stay.  But I do know one thing.


Today was my first time here and if I had been recording I could easily have gotten 3 podcasts out of the day's adventures.

First of all, (and I don't mean this as a condemnation of the U.S. Health Care system), the 'mentally ill' seem to be walking the streets.  I ran into several folks whose rich fantasy lives seemed to eclipse even my own.  My favourite was the gentleman who assured me he was running for President of the United States and had secured Jerry Rice as his V.P., (OK OK maybe this should be seen as a condemnation of the shambles they have for health care here).

There are also so many things to photograph.  I especially liked this video sign featured below which advertised, (look closely and you can just make it out), a 'Shoot for the Future' fund-raiser; according to their website the group is dedicated to helping disabled people enjoy trap and clay shooting.  This is the kind of thing I'll really enjoy seeing and participating in at some level over here - stuff you would never see in Belfast; (and don't condemn it out of hand Europe - let me tell ya, shooting a gun is fun.  Really.  It. Is. Fun.)


So I was taking photos of the advert for 'Shoot for the Future' when I noticed that a group of people under it the WERE VIDEOING ME.  I was so enraptured by the image of the guy in the wheelchair with a shotgun I didn't notice that the giant flashing sign sat right above the  campaign headquarters for Nashville Mayoral Candidate Karl Dean.

Now apparently earlier in the day there was a bit of a fracas with protesters outside the office - so the Karl Dean staff where understandable edgy about a guy intently taking photos of their office.  A Karl Dean staff member crossed the street and approached me.  I was concerned that there might be fisticuffs.  But he turned out to be sweet and there were no problems.


My first impression is that people here in Nashville as extremely friendly.  This of course makes my makes my job as a broadcaster that much easier.  In fact, already on Day 1 of the LTA Nashville experience my life has been saved by the open hearted warmth of the people here.

You see that pic at top me eating ribs?

Well I wolfed them down just a wee bit too fast Dear Listener.

Luckily the help-thy-neighbour ethos of the town came to the rescue.  God bless you, Jason Childers, (playing tomorrow night at neo-honky-tonk Paradise Park, 10pm).


Right Day 1 is over.  Well, at least the afternoon is.  I wonder what tonight has in store for me?

Talk to you soon Dear Listeners.


September 01, 2007

Goodbye Belfast

Girl Marchers - Belfast.jpg
Today, September 1st, marks the 2nd anniversary of the of this blog - originally started to post 'behind-the-scenes' info about the Podcast.  It became something more for me - a tool to understand the strange, fascinating place I in which I had become stranded.

As listeners to my podcast know I shape my life to compliment the narrative arc of my various works, regardless of whatever alias/artistic persona I'm inhabiting.  With this in mind, after 2 years, now is the time to say goodbye to Belfast.

Though I may work in Northern Ireland on occasion, I will no longer live here - it's been quite an adventure:  the 3rd marriage, the attempt on my life, the creation of the podcast and much more.

I'd like to say thank you to everyone who's supported me during this tumultuous period in my life.  Without the help of the folks I met here I wouldn't have made it. 

Special thanks go to:  Alicia Peyrano, Wayne Van Ry, Erin Parish, Gareth Higgins, Beth Lloyd, Raphael Rehbock, Sara Templer, Kirsteen O'Sullivan, Celia Petter, Keith Law, Sonia Butterworth, Dave Torrans, Philip Morrow, Richard Parkin, Allan Gildea, Alan Meban, Stephen Barnes, Marcus Valentine and Lucky Starr most of all for her love and devotion.

I'll end by saying the Podcast will continue Dear Listeners, what form it will take we'll have to see.  Thanks to everyone for taking part.

There was a Flickr Meetup today of Belfast Photographers - a great way to say goodbye to the area.  Above and below are some snaps from this afternoon.

Here's the gang:  digitalEnvironmentalist, Alan in Belfast, A lovely lady who's name I can't remember, (a little help anyone?) Anna, myself, Red Mum, mymsie, NickyBe and Stepbar; (the  indomitable Dogtired arrived later and therefore was not present for the photo).

Belfast Flickr Meetup 2007.jpg





I'm going to end on the shot below.  I've been here 4 1/2 years.  Belfast's changed so much in that time. 

I've heard a lot of people diss Belfast over the years, complaining about this and that, the lack of culture or the problems with its people. 

But there was a war on. 

A war. 

The war's over now.  It'll take a long time for things to get better.  But I'm hopeful. 

I'm hopeful.



August 09, 2007

Response to a Reader's Complaint About the Site

A 'David Baxter' has written the following in the comments section of this post:

Action Heats up in Belfast

"You know what Jett, if you don't like it mate, ship out. Nobody makes you stay in Northern Ireland. You do absolutely nothing to show people how attractive this country actually is."

I responded by pointing out that he seemed a bit thin skinned and asked that he watch this LTA Video:

Letter to America - Chapter 66 - Jett Loe, I'm Going to Knock Your F**K In

This is how he responded:

"I enjoyed your little video Jett.  I enjoy a lot on your blog but i think my comments are fair enough. 

We have lived through this bloody conflict for over 30 years and we see light at the end of the tunnel. However many people throughout the city, Protestant and Catholic get so annoyed by people who didn't give a fuck about this play when the bombs were flying around want to come over here now either as tourists or for their careers. Especially when items like the above photograph are posted and sent around the world. I'm sure many many many similar photographs could be taken in your own homeland of civil disturbance.

Try to include more of the heritage of Northern Ireland, the industry, the 2nd world war effort, the bravery and stoicism of the people and the HUGE contribution that Ulster peoples have made the the New World.

I apologise for my earlier comments on this post."

Now, instead of sending David an email or replying in the comments section of the post regarding his thoughts I think the best thing is to post about it here since I have to deal with comments like David's on a regular basis - so this blog entry will be a real time saver - I can just point people to this URL.  Ok here goes:

I'm not living in Belfast as a tourist and am certainly not a careerist.

As to your unhappiness about a photograph of a photograph in a newspaper that happened to show where I was staying at the time, (look I can see my house in the news!), you're being too sensitive.  I understand this of course as you've lived through a war and am sure you and most everyone you know has someone who died in the conflict.  One only has to look at the stress-lined faces of working-class women in their 40's in Belfast to see the incredible trauma they have been through.

But, this is only one photo - and there are hundreds on this site; here are a few:

and of course this site is just 'behind the scenes' for the Podcast - I have the feeling that you probably have not listened to such shows as:

As to your suggestions about what I should include in my blog - I recommend that you start your own blog to cover the areas that are of interest and import to you - blogs are very personal and have specific takes on things - that's the point of most of the blogosphere - my angle on Belfast is a specific to me - my approach to a city and its people would be the same no matter where I lived.  I'm a comedian and a performer and as such I take the piss.  It's my job.

I'll end by saying thank you for your apology - and yes, similar photographs could be taken in many spots around the globe - but my 'homeland'?  - I'm not a nationalist David, I'm a human being - my 'homeland' is the world.

August 03, 2007

Edinburgh Fringe Podcast Action! Part 2


Right, am off now to Edinburgh for the Fringe per this post.  I've always loved Scotland and have luckily worked there many times over the years.

Now, my plan for this post was to type 'Scotland' into the very able Mac OSX search application 'Spotlight' using the photos it coughed up to illustrate one of the humorous, perhaps moving tales of my time there, (you know - like the time I almost died at Cape Wrath).

But, as you can see from the screengrab below, the above image is the only one Spotlight could find.  Since I have no memory of what exactly was happening in said photo please feel free to comment with a humorous caption of your own.  I'll find someone in Edinburgh to judge the funniest entry, perhaps a comedian featured on, and the winner will receive a prize to be determined in future.

P.S. (This is only the 3rd caption competition we've ever done here.  The last one went OK, but the first, well, all I gotta say is that Jes you're gonna get your shirt any day now).



July 26, 2007

Chapter 68 - Recording This Weekend

I was happy with the questions we received for Chapter 67:

Chapter 67 - Recording This Weekend

So if anyone has any queries they'd like answered about Belfast, Northern Ireland or the show in general please let us know and we'll try to answer them in this weekend's LTA Chapter 68 - Fear.

(Photo above:  Yorkgate Cinema, Yorkgate Mall, Belfast)


July 18, 2007

Chapter 67 - Recording This Weekend

Yes, the always reliable Wayne and myself will be recording Chapter 67 of the Podcast this weekend - I feel like answering some questions about Belfast on the show this week so if there's anything you want to know Dear Reader then give us a shout.

(Photo above; more of those pesky Security Cameras, ((1, 2, 3))we have watching us in the U.K.)


May 10, 2007

The World Criminal Video Newsletter

Hotel Bar, Birmingham, England

Yes, I've inaugurated the World Criminal / LTA  / FT Newsletter!  What's that you ask?  Well, subscribers to the Newsletter will receive private YouTube videos detailing all the behind the scenes action here at World Criminal.  To subscribe to the Newsletter just click on the link below and tell you me want to receive the private videos:

Subscribe to the Newsletter

I like the idea of detailing some of the thinking behind what I get up to and sharing it with you fine folks out there - there are many layers of artifice going around here at WorldCrim, but why not add another?

(Photo above taken at the Wi-Fi enabled bar here in my hotel in Birmingham where I'm currently staying while working on 'Project X').


May 05, 2007

The 8th Cathedral Arts Festival 1

LTA Fan Steve and Jett Loe at the Festival of Fools, Belfast, Northern Ireland

The 8th Cathedral Arts Festival is in full swing in Belfast right now:

The 8th Cathedral Arts Festival Official Site

I can't tell you how great it is to have so many exciting performers in town - the 'Festival of Fools' is injecting a very needed dose of comedy, surrealism and surprise into the street scene here: I was in a bad mood this morn and a troop of Ugandan Acrobats brightened me right up - the icing on the cake was meeting friendly LTA fan 'Steve' whose hearty handshake, though it caused discomfort the rest of the day - and possible some bruising, was testament to his love of the Podcast.

(As to why I look and pose the way I do in this photo:  well, I'm a natural clown and I find this look and expression comes in handy while dodging debt collectors, stalkers and ex-wives; you never know.

Also I'd like to take this opportunity to say sorry to the LTA listener who approached me in Manchester last week - I didn't stop to chat as was deep in conversation with the creator of 'Project X' and my mind was focused on that - many apologies).

Cathedral Arts Festival previously on LAT:

Star Trek Predicts A United Ireland; The 8th Cathedral Quarter Arts Festival


April 17, 2007

Feed Change


Hi Folks - it's all change here at LTA as we've changed the 'Feed' for the Podcast, (for information on what a Podcast Feed is click here).

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If you're looking for those old 'classic' episodes of LTA they can now be accessed through our non-commercial arm at:



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