The C.S. Lews Festival Returns to Belfast!
Hey folks - the C.S. Lewis Festival is back in Belfast and on till December 10th!
Information on the Festival at Goto Belfast
Dear Listener, who can forget the good times we had last year at the festival as I brazenly tried to cash in on the marketing spend for Disney / Walden Media's 'The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe?
Narnia Fever Part 1
Narnia Fever Part 2
Narnia Fever Part 3
Narnia Fever Part 4
Narnia Fever Part 5
Narnia Fever Part 6
Narnia Fever Part 7
Narnia Fever Part 8
Narnia Fever Part 9
And of course we went on the C.S. Lewis' Belfast Bus Tour recording the adventure for an early podcast.
And we also gate crashed the 'The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe' premiere...but I can't remember which podcasts these segments were on. Pretty sure the chapters were uploaded in December:
Letter to America December 2006 Archives
If any listener knows which podcast these segments aired please let me know.
Anyhew, the range of fun activities is back - hopefully we'll be attending as many as possible. For further info contact the Belfast Welcome Centre on 028 9024 6609, (if outside the U.K. don't forget to add 44 in front of the number and drop the first zero).
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