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September 03, 2007

More Photos from the Belfast Flickr Meetup, 2

Free Running Belfast

Belfast Marchers

Another pic from the Belfast Flickr Meetup.

More Photos from the Belfast Flickr Meetup

Goodbye Belfast


September 02, 2007

More Photos from the Belfast Flickr Meetup

Belfast Flip

Littlest Marcher



September 01, 2007

Goodbye Belfast

Girl Marchers - Belfast.jpg
Today, September 1st, marks the 2nd anniversary of the of this blog - originally started to post 'behind-the-scenes' info about the Podcast.  It became something more for me - a tool to understand the strange, fascinating place I in which I had become stranded.

As listeners to my podcast know I shape my life to compliment the narrative arc of my various works, regardless of whatever alias/artistic persona I'm inhabiting.  With this in mind, after 2 years, now is the time to say goodbye to Belfast.

Though I may work in Northern Ireland on occasion, I will no longer live here - it's been quite an adventure:  the 3rd marriage, the attempt on my life, the creation of the podcast and much more.

I'd like to say thank you to everyone who's supported me during this tumultuous period in my life.  Without the help of the folks I met here I wouldn't have made it. 

Special thanks go to:  Alicia Peyrano, Wayne Van Ry, Erin Parish, Gareth Higgins, Beth Lloyd, Raphael Rehbock, Sara Templer, Kirsteen O'Sullivan, Celia Petter, Keith Law, Sonia Butterworth, Dave Torrans, Philip Morrow, Richard Parkin, Allan Gildea, Alan Meban, Stephen Barnes, Marcus Valentine and Lucky Starr most of all for her love and devotion.

I'll end by saying the Podcast will continue Dear Listeners, what form it will take we'll have to see.  Thanks to everyone for taking part.

There was a Flickr Meetup today of Belfast Photographers - a great way to say goodbye to the area.  Above and below are some snaps from this afternoon.

Here's the gang:  digitalEnvironmentalist, Alan in Belfast, A lovely lady who's name I can't remember, (a little help anyone?) Anna, myself, Red Mum, mymsie, NickyBe and Stepbar; (the  indomitable Dogtired arrived later and therefore was not present for the photo).

Belfast Flickr Meetup 2007.jpg





I'm going to end on the shot below.  I've been here 4 1/2 years.  Belfast's changed so much in that time. 

I've heard a lot of people diss Belfast over the years, complaining about this and that, the lack of culture or the problems with its people. 

But there was a war on. 

A war. 

The war's over now.  It'll take a long time for things to get better.  But I'm hopeful. 

I'm hopeful.



Bonfires on the Shankill, July 2007, 1

A couple sitting by a bonfire on the Shankill Road last night.


May 23, 2007

Belfast Bonfire Preparations 3

Collected items, in anticipation of the bonfires, Belfast, Northern Ireland

If any 'locals' know when this collection of wood is going up in flames please let me know - would love to photograph it.

Belfast Bonfire Preparations 1

Belfast Bonfire Preparations 2


May 22, 2007

Belfast Bonfire Preparations 2

Collected items, in anticipation of the bonfires, Belfast, Northern Ireland

More items collected for the big bonfire.

Belfast Bonfire Preparations 1


May 21, 2007

Belfast Bonfire Preparations 1

Collected wood, in anticipation of the bonfires, Belfast, Northern Ireland

During the recording of the now abandoned Chapter 65 of the Podcast, snapped this photo on the Shankill of collected wood for the upcoming July Bonfires.



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